Non Traditional Students The New Norm

When we think about going back to school for undergraduates, most people think of traditional students who are young, single and have school as their priority. Images like living in the dorms, frat parties, football games, late-night pizza to fuel cramming sessions come to mind. However, there is an increasing amount of nontraditional students returning […]

The Value of Art

Why is art so often undervalued and underutilized in modern life? Some argue that art does not cure disease, build roads, create economies, or feed the poor (1). However, history has repeatedly shown that art movements have and continue to change the world. Works of art have been used to promote religions, bring attention to […]

Why I’m Still Inspired by Paul Harvey’s The Rest of the Story

Do you love uplifting stories? I’m talking about the kind of stories that warm your heart and put a giant smile on your face. For me, those have always been Paul Harvey’s radio show The Rest of the Story. I first heard Paul Harvey’s radio program called The Rest of the Story in the 1990s […]

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